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For two decades I thought plant medicines were the greatest gift humanity has for our evolutionary awakening -but now I know it takes more.

Plant medicine + integration tools is what will truly help us create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.   

the ceremony of life

40 Day Online InteGREATion Immersion

February 4 - March 18, 2025


With the vast expansion that comes post ceremony or transformational experience often comes contraction or confusion. The question I get asked is - how do I take this back home into my daily life?

Insights are illuminating but how do they translate to tangible change?

THE CEREMONY OF LIFE integration immersion will provide the

structure, framework and tools you need to create

a new operating system for your life where you can

expand in a deep rooted and sustainable way and make

LASTING positive changes in your life.

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There is no doubt that sitting in ceremony for one night has the power to change your entire life. I have seen many people find closure, forgiveness, and resolution to things that they’ve been working on in therapy for years in one single night. 


I have also seen people who have been sitting in ceremonies for years still looping on the same pattern a decade later.


I have been conducting an anthropological study over the past 20 years on how plant medicine and psychedelics can change our lives and am excited to share with you what I’ve learned.

InteGREATion - To bring all aspects of
who we are together to restore wholeness.
The powerful parts as well as the orphaned parts
of ourselves that we abandoned for fear
of not being loved or accepted. 

The Latin root of the word integrate is integrare,
which means to make whole.

Perhaps you tasted the sweetness of deep peace that comes with meeting the very essence of your being or feeling an intimate connection to all life.


And this feeling brought insights and inspiration to make some big shifts in your life to sustain this level of expanded awareness. And then life happened, weeks passed and after a while the illumination of those insights dimmed and the inspiration dwindled.

Have you ever felt like after a peak experience your conscious mind is so excited to make a shift and puts the pedal to the metal full speed ahead for transformation - but then all of a sudden you realize you are not going anywhere because the brakes are also on?

The subconscious mind has beliefs and programs that keep us where we are because it doesn't feel safe to make those big changes. As these beliefs are hidden from our conscious awareness these are also known as blind spots.


If there is something we think or say we want and it is not happening - there is a limiting subconscious belief keeping it from happening - here's an example from my life.

After many ceremonies I felt so inspired to dedicate myself to my daily practice and get in better shape but had a hard time sticking with it. Even when I did, I was perplexed by how I didn't see results after month long yoga teacher trainings or daily jaguar booty camp.


It wasn't until I realized I created the belief that "I'm not good at physical activity" after a traumatic experience in gymnastics class when I was 7 years old. This belief created a program that was keeping me stuck, creating tension and tightness in my body and keeping an extra layer of weight as protection.

Once I reprogrammed that belief my body shifted drastically, I lost about 4 kilos and everyone in my life was asking me what I had done. When I told them I hadn't done anything physical, only worked in my subconscious mind everyone wanted to know how.

In this highly transformational program, I'm going to share the potent tools and practices that will help you break patterns you may have been in for decades that have kept you from:


Sustaining the feeling of connection to who you truly are and embodying wholeness

Stepping more powerfully into your purpose, finding deeper fulfillment, increasing your impact

Getting in shape, loosing weight or feeling comfortable and alive in your body


Expressing your creativity, speaking your truth, creating healthy boundaries

Creating more connection in all of your relationships 

Trusting enough to be able to open your heart or quiet your mind from fears of abandonment, jealousy or projections in intimate relationships


And SO much more! 

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Hi I'm Ixchel

I am here to guide you in this initiation to stand firmly in your power as the limitless creator of your reality, transcend perceived limitations and create an extraordinary life of fulfillment in all areas. 


This immersion is born from the tools and embodied wisdom that I have gathered in 20 years of walking the yogic & medicine path and supporting thousands of people from around the world in my immersions, events and sessions to feel more liberated and empowered.  


I will share insights, reflections, keys, tools and transmissions from my life as a mother, lover, medicine woman, retreat facilitator, community builder, eco village steward, entrepreneur & mentor. 


In the calls & practices I will draw upon my transformation jedi toolbelt and my studies with yoga, meditation, tantra, shamanism, magic, somatic therapy, trauma healing, dance, breathwork, NLP, non-violent communication, permaculture, natural medicine, neuroscience and more.


I am committed to making your transformation fun, pleasurable and for even the most challenging things to be cleared with grace and ease. 


At the end of this immersion, I want you to feel lit up, inspired, connected to your center and sovereign power. 


I'm excited for you to gain new perspective as you see through the lens of infinite possibility. 

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There are few people you can actually say changed your life. Ixchel is one of them. I was not sure exactly what I was seeking, only that It felt like the entire universe guided me to her. I will always know her to be the one who birthed me into a life of deep trust in the voice within, guiding my freedom and continued trust to take the leap and then leap some more."


– Chidiogo Akunyili

Quantum Healing

everything is energy, we are energy.What appears to be physical matteris reflection of light, photons of lightthat are bouncing off the energyand reflecting energy.

At the core of this immersion is quantum healing. For me, this is the most powerful modality to see real results around shifting negative patterns. When we enter the quantum field - the space where everything is energy we can work at light speed to shift things in different timelines. 


We all have large or small traumatic imprints from our childhood around what we need to do or not do to be accepted and loved creating distortions around relating to our inner truth, the people and world around us. 

In the guided practices you will be doing, we use a combination of embodiment and breath practices, neuroscience and cutting edge healing techniques to uncover and remove these traumatic imprints and limiting beliefs from our subconscious mind and the places these beliefs have caused tension to be held in our body. This allows us to reprogram the nervous system with safety and for us to experience greater freedom.

You will experience what it feels like to live in RADICAL ALIGNMENT. Feeling your best and actualizing your visions with ease - because your life is a direct reflection of your energetic field.

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"On my 10+ year journey of working with different teachers, coaches and healers, I’ve never met anyone as masterful and graceful at holding space and facilitating deep inner healing as Ixchel. Her ability to sense things that are ready to be voiced and alchemized and then offer wisdom, tools and guidance to help you come back to wholeness is truly extraordinary. Ixchel is love and liberation embodied and I’m so eternally grateful to have had an opportunity to work with her."

– Maria Volovik

InteGREATion - to weave together the
embodiment of wholeness and unity
you tasted in a peak experience into daily life.

Who is this immersion for? 

This immersion is for anyone who would like support understanding and integrating a peak experience like:


Plant Medicine Ceremonies




Transformational Retreats


Transformational Festivals


Psychedelic Experiences


Breathwork Experiences

This integration immersion can be supportive right after the experience or even years after. I've seen many people that are still working on integrating things that arose in transformational experiences years ago like:


Trauma that had been suppressed that came to the surface


Feeling disoriented after an ego dissolution


How to shift toxic patterns of relating for thriving intimacy


Reevaluating priorities, job, life purpose to bring alignment


Feelings of disconnection or isolation


Simply understanding a profound experience 

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Working with Ixchel through private ceremonies and integration has been the most profound journey of my life. She created the safest sanctuary I’ve ever known, guided me to embrace fear with grace, allowing me to listen deeply to my inner wisdom.

The integration mentorship program we did helped me find clarity and confidence to finally launch a project that had long been my calling. Today, it flourishes, and I live the life I’ve always envisioned for myself."


–  Emilia Ferreira


What’s included

  • 6 Live calls - Weekly 90-120 min. group calls at 10:30AM EST with powerful transmissions, rituals, practices and authentic connection with inspiring community.

    For local time zone, visit -

  • Guided journeys of subconscious reprogramming, hypnotherapy and quantum timeline healing with meditation and breathwork.

  • Alignment assignments to integrate the teachings into your life

  • Audio & Video Transmissions delivered to your inbox every Monday on the topics of the week.

  • Audio & Video Embodiment Practices with chi gung, breathwork, pranayama, yoga, meditation, bio-energetic shaking, dance, rituals and guided visualization/priming.


  • Private WhatsApp Group where you can share your experiences, ask questions and be connected to other amazing humans on a similar journey.

  • Daily updates and inspiration for accountability in the group.

Guest Teachers 

We will have a few amazing guest teachers for some of our live calls bringing forth their wisdom that will be announced soon.  


February 4 - March 18 Western Hemisphere ​​

​Tuesday February 4  10:30AM EST 
Tuesday February 11 10:30AM EST 
Tuesday February 18 10:30AM EST
Tuesday February 25 10:30AM EST
Tuesday March 4 10:30AM EST
Tuesday March 11
 10:30AM EST

Please be prepared to commit 3-5 hours a week to the immersion.


We'll have a weekly 90-120 min. group call on Tuesdays

at 10:30AM EST with powerful transmissions, rituals, practices and connection with global tribe.

For local time zone, visit -​​

Each week there will be 2-3 hours of transmissions, meditations, embodiment practices and alignment assignments will be sent to your inbox for you to dive into outside of the calls.


The beauty of an online immersion is that you can choose your adventure - listen and do practices in your own time and even do the practices multiple times for a deeper dive. 

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“Ixchel embodies the divine mother, creating a potent container of unconditional love for her work. In sessions with Ixchel, I have been able to connect to the deepest parts of myself, reaching new levels of forgiveness, self-compassion and healing from trauma. I think of Ixchel as my spiritual momma and am exceptionally grateful to have her in my life.


– David Langer

the ceremony of life

I'm ready to shift old patterns and embark

upon the journey of InteGREATion!


Investmentin your transformation$888

This immersion is a powerful opportunity to release old patterns and inteGREATe your greatness. 

Through this journey, you will receive tools to set you up for living your best life and embodying wholeness.

It’s also an incredible opportunity to receive Ixchel's presence on seven weekly 90-120 min calls.

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“Ixchel is a wealth of wisdom who has helped me navigate the grief of loosing my mother, psychedelic integration and feel safe enough to go deep into shadow work. She has helped me see how the program of "not good enough" has been holding me back in all areas of my life and release it, helping me to reclaim my voice, my confidence and exert boundaries rather than seek for approval. The energy we’ve invested together is a gift that keeps on giving.”

– Angie Kessel

Frequently Asked Questions

. It is a mix of weekly 90-120 min live calls, videos with transmissions on all the topics covered, supporting PDFs, guided audio embodiment practices with epic custom soundtracks and a community for connection inside a custom platform.

What is the format of the online immersion?

. The beauty of an online immersion is that you can choose your adventure and do the practices in your own time. Be prepared to commit 3-5 hours a week. Each week aside from the 90 minute call, you will have  1 - 3 hours of juicy practices, inspiring transmissions and transformational alignment assignments.  If you choose to dive deeper into assignments or bonus practices that is entirely up to you.

How much time will it take?

​ Tuesday February 4  10:30AM EST  Tuesday February 11 10:30AM EST  Tuesday February 18 10:30AM EST Tuesday February 25 10:30AM EST Tuesday March 4 10:30AM EST Tuesday March 11 10:30AM EST To find your local time zone visit:

What dates and times of the calls?

. Yes, you will receive a video and audio recording of the calls and will receive the transmissions and practices to do in your own time. You can also send any questions ahead of time to be answered in the calls or the group.

Will I receive the same benefit if I am not able to make the calls?

. Ixchel receives her assignments from the Mother. She will likely not be running this course live again. The time is NOW.

Can I join next time?

. All recordings of the calls, audio & video practices, pdfs and transmissions are yours to keep forever via direct download.

How long will I have access to the material?

. If you choose to not join us before the course begins, you can receive a full refund minus any fees. Because this is a live group retreat with online components, once we begin no refunds will be issued. Note that nobody has ever asked for a refund for any of my retreats or programs.

What is the refund policy?
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