The Living Wisdom Tribe is a monthly membership group facilitated by Ixchel Love with amazing guest wisdom keepers.
Each month we'll dive into a juicy topic for your empowerment with a 90 minute call, 30-60 minute embodiment practice, short videos, journal questions and an alignment assignment to integrate the teachings into your life.
There is also a FB group for sharing your journey, asking questions & connecting with an amazing community. To add some fun there will be an option to learn a theme song that can be your mantra for the month.
You will be uplifted with nuggets of wisdom and practices that merge science & spirit, practical action & magic, neuroscience & quantum healing to UPLEVEL all areas of your life.

"There are few people you can actually say changed your life. Ixchel is one of them. She helped birth me into a life of deep trust in my voice within, guiding me to my freedom and continued trust to take the leap and then leap some more."
– Chidiogo Akunyili

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In my 15+ years of working with people in transformational retreats, workshops, ceremonies & coaching, I have seen that the reason people have challenges creating lasting change is there is an operating system of limiting beliefs holding us back.
I’ve worked with people from countries all over the world, men, women, rich, poor and everyone has the same core issues that affect all areas of our lives - feeling unworthy, not good enough & unloveable.
We are going to dive deep into the root causes of why we feel this way, receive practices & tools to clear conditioning and old patterns so that we can rise into our highest selves.
2021 can be the year of liberation & empowerment - ARE YOU WITH ME?
2021 Monthly Themes

- January -
Alchemize limitations into liberation.
Identify and reprogram the limiting beliefs that have shaped your life. Choose beliefs that are empowering and receive simple steps to turn them into your new internal operating system to support you to thrive.

- February -
Awaken your sexual life force energy. Release conditioning of guilt & shame around sexuality. Bring more pleasure in all aspects of life. Harness the power of your life force to live a passionate life led by love!

- March -
Break the shackles of domestication and conditioning to reclaim your wild, sovereign self. Taste fecund freedom.
Radiate your love out into the world in an uninhibited amplified way.
Nobody achieves success alone
It’s time to uplift each other!

What will I receive with the Living Wisdom Tribe Membership?
Monthly 90 minute calls with a transmission on the theme to dive deeper, connect and ask questions. It may include guided practices, guest speakers and other surprises.
You will receive a video recording of the call if you can’t join live and pre-post any questions you would like answered in the group.
One-two embodiment practices to work with our theme including all or a combination of meditation, yoga, breath-work, bio-energetic shaking, dance, somatic therapy and priming.
Audios, videos and journal questions on the monthly theme.
Alignment assignments to integrate the teachings into your life.
Connection and support with Ixchel and a community who will encourage and support you through sharing in the private FB group.
Opportunities to share your medicine within the community. We are here to learn together and uplift each other.
Some months, to add some fun there will be an option to learn a theme song that can be your mantra for the month.
Invitations to Living Wisdom & Loveolution events, workshops & special online offerings.
Choose your Level of Engagement
We want to make it as easy and inspiring as possible for you to receive the gifts and transformation of this membership.
You can choose to engage in the FB group throughout the month and join the call live OR you can receive it all in your own time and have more of a solo journey.
Our monthly call is done via zoom. You will receive a recording if you are not able to make it.
Each month the content is released in a google drive and will be there for the whole month for you to download and keep forever.
You can access the content on your computer, phone, or tablet.
You can also join for previous months if you would like to receive the content.
You can cancel anytime.
What Clients Say

“Ixchel is a wealth of wisdom who has helped me navigate the grief of loosing my mother, psychedelic integration and feel safe enough to go deep into shadow work. She has helped me see how the program of "not good enough" has been holding me back in all areas of my life and release it, helping me to reclaim my voice, my confidence and exert boundaries rather than seek for approval. The energy we’ve invested together is a gift that keeps on giving.”
– Angie Kessel

“Ixchel embodies the divine mother, creating a potent container of unconditional love for her work. In sessions with Ixchel, I have been able to connect to the deepest parts of myself, reaching new levels of forgiveness, self-compassion and healing from trauma. I think of Ixchel as my spiritual momma and am exceptionally grateful to have her in my life.”
– David Langer

"On my 10+ year journey of working with different teachers, coaches and healers, I’ve never met anyone as masterful and graceful at holding space and facilitating deep inner healing as Ixchel. Her ability to sense things that are ready to be voiced and alchemized and then offer wisdom, tools and guidance to help you come back to wholeness is truly extraordinary. Ixchel is love and liberation embodied and I’m so eternally grateful to have had an opportunity to work with her."
– Maria Volovik

Frequently Asked Questions
What dates and times of the calls?
The call is the 3rd week of the month and date will be announced at the beginning of the month. In the Western Hemisphere it is at 6:00pm PST and 10:00am the next day Bali time in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Find your timezone here-
Will I receive the same benefit if I am not able to make the calls?
Yes, you will receive a video and audio recording of the monthly call and can receive the transmission and do the practices in your own time.
How much time does membership require?
Each month will have 2-4 hours of audios, videos, practices and pdfs including the 90 minute call to join or watch as playback. You can choose to do the practices as often as you like.
How long will I have access to the material?
All audio & video practices, pdfs and transmissions are yours to keep forever via direct download. They will be up on the online platform for one month.
What is the refund policy?
You can get a refund at any time if you want to cancel your monthly membership.
Please message me if you have any further questions.